The Noventis XL-200 Ethylene Monitor

Ethylene gas in fruits and vegetables is a plant hormone which regulates the plant’s growth and development as well as the speed at which these occur, much as hormones do in humans or animals.

The effect of ethylene gas upon fruit is a resulting change in texture (softening), colour and other processes. A plant messenger that signals the plant’s next move, ethylene gas can be used to trick the plant into ripening its fruits and vegetables earlier. For banana, the ideal ripening condition is at a concentration of 100 – 150 ppm Ethylene. Therefore it’s important to monitor the Ethylene concentrations. Excess ethylene and carbon dioxide must be removed for faster and uniform ripening.

The Noventis XL-200 controls and monitors the ethylene concentrations by controlling the Ethylene dosing and / or ventilation system. The unit has the option of monitoring multiple store rooms (maximum three per system) and additional sensors such as oxygen and carbon dioxide monitoring. In addition, it’s available with an automatic calibration option.


  • Based on sampling technology
  • Ethylene sensor not cross sensitive to CO2
  • Ethylene range 0-200 ppm
  • Carbon Dioxide range 0-5%
  • Oxygen range 0-25%
  • Long life sampling pumps
  • Alarm threshold for outside range
  • Alarm for empty Ethylene bottle
  • Optional data logging software
  • Web based monitoring available

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