CSIRO National Vaccine and Therapeutics Lab

Based in Clayton, Victoria, CSIRO’s National Vaccine and Therapeutics Lab represents a significant boost to Australian translational research capacity and advanced manufacturing in biotechnology. The new national lab will see CSIRO researchers turn vaccine and drug candidates into products manufactured in large quantities for clinical trials.

It is poised to strengthen Australia’s capability to produce vaccines and drug treatments domestically. This new GMP Facility will facilitate the process development and production of clinical-grade biologicals.

Noventis designed and commissioned a gas detection system which complies with the labs strict GMP design guidelines. The system comprises out of oxygen and carbon dioxide detectors and interlocks gas supplies upon a gas detection alarm.


  • Customer: CSIRO Manufacturing
  • Builder: Monaco Hickey
  • Design, Supply & Commissioning
  • Special Conditions: PC2 GMP Facility
  • Budget $$
  • Completed October 2022